Monday, January 5, 2009

Sister Danielle Bennion

My sister Danielle just reported to the MTC to serve a
mission in Rapid City, South Dakota. She will be so
AWESOME and we will all miss her ...

...especially Liz and Josh! They love and adore Aunt BOB!

Of course we couldn't let her leave without having
a farewell breakfast with the girls at Farmhouse.


Kimberly said...

That's awesome! Good luck Sister Bennion! And oh, the Farmhouse and they yummy food and memories...I'd love to go there now. And yeah for the new set of wheels!!! Looks like you guys had a great Christmas!!!

kristi said...

Your mom looks just like one of your sisters. Oh if we could all age so nicely... and way to go with the new car :o)

Anonymous said...

AMY!! Hey, its Tiffany "Verwer"!!Your little family is so adorable, congrats on #3!!
That's so awesome about your sister Danielle. My brother gets home from his mission this June.
E-mail me and i'll send you an invite to my blog...we totally need to catch up, its been years!!

April said...

Oh my goodness. Amy, I am so glad to hear from you. Look at how old all of you are. Your mom must be so proud of you guys. It is crazy to see all of you. I can totally see Danielle as a missionary. She will be awesome. Your kids are so darling just like you guys were when you were that age.