Monday, April 6, 2009

Josh is very intrigued and we're trying to teach him...
"you can't sword fight with baby brother just yet!"

Such the little mommy...Liz is such a good

So sweet baby feet

Little hairy monkey boy in his cute little monkey outfit!

sleep...Sleep...and MORE SLEEP!

SO small compared to big sister!

Gassy smile! Doesn't he just look like an OLD little man!

Scot gave me a nice break on Friday and
took Liz and Josh to the Zoo with Liz's
preschool. They had a fun time, and I
got some good rest!
For those of you intrested in all the details, you can keep reading...
Carter decided to suprise us and came 11 days early. And we are all so glad that he did! The labor pains started early that morning when Scott thought it would be good idea to give me a blessing before leaving for work. The pains would come and go throughout the day but were very inconsistant. That night was the pinewood derby and I thought it would be a good destraction for me and the kids. As we got there, the contractions got much closer and more painful. So we left early, picked up some Arby's, droppped off the kids and headed to the hospital. It was about 9 pm once we got there. I had my epidural at 10:30. Started pushing at 11:45. And he was born at 11:59 on the 26th. It amazes me how perfect these new little babies are. He is so tiny...with lots of hair..."our little monkey"! My mom is so wonderful and took Liz and Josh for a few days while we brought Carter home and did the whole transition thing. He is such a good baby and we are so blessed to be entrusted with such a sweet little spirit. We love him SO MUCH!


Cambria said...

holy hair!!! He IS a little monkey! SO so cute! I want to compare with Josh's baby pictures, he looks different to me. That was so nice of your mom to take the other kids for a few days! I am so glad everything went so well and he and you are both doing good!!! Love you!!!

MeL said...

OH MY WORD! I've never seen so much blonde hair on a tiny baby! He is truly precious, and I can't wait to meet him in person! And of course you look absolutely perfect right after giving birth, how is that fair? Philip and I are so happy for your little family!

Karalee and Anthony said...

I can't believe how much hair he has! He doesn't even look like a newborn. But he is absolutely adorable. I can't wait to see him in person. I'll be calling you soon!

Bennions said...

He looks so sweet. I don't think I have ever seen a blonde baby with so much hair. I can't believe how alert he looked in that picture with his eyes open-- for such a newbie. He is sooooooo cute. Congrats. Tif

Kimberly said...

He's so cute! And I love the hair!! Holy cow! Those pictures are precious and I'm glad to hear that everything went so well and quickly for you. Wow, I can't believe you've got 3 beautiful kids now! I swear we were just in high school wondering what to do on a half day...and now we're moms! Time sure does fly by. Congrats again!

Amber said...

I can not get over how adorable his hair is!!! Wow! It won't be long and you will be giving him is first hair cut. Cute pictures!!! Your kids are adorable!!! and so sweet with their new little brother.